This is an exciting time of change and expansion at the ICO and we’re offering secondment opportunities to a wide range of 组织各个领域的人员.
We are keen to host secondments in all areas of our business so are
寻找各种背景的人. 这些可能包括
policy, legal, cyber-security, audit, investigations, information
technology, information governance, communications, customer service,
finance, organisational development, research and grants or project
Prior experience dealing with the legislation we
oversee is always desirable but we are happy to consider people with a
A secondment at the ICO is an 机会 for individuals, who are currently employed by an organisation/company, to gain experiences and opportunities they may not in their current role/organisation.
Secondments are not available to those who are self-employed, 学生或顾问. 但是如果你有兴趣为 请浏览我们的 职位空缺 page to see our current employment opportunities.
Currently we are particularly keen to host secondments in our 创新和科技政策团队. 我们正在寻找技术人员 具有以下方面知识和经验的专家:
- 经济学-请按此浏览我们的 经济顾问 机会
- 网络安全
- 人工智能
- 到场
- pseudonymisation techniques, biometric technologies, the Internet of Things, smart cities, modern operating systems (including telemetry and virtual assistants), connected and autonomous vehicles, and privacy 加强技术.
- Horizon scanning –with the ability to identify and evaluate emerging technologies, and assess their potential impact on information rights.
In addition we are also looking for policy specialists, project managers and audit/risk 管理 experience.
- provide induction and technical training as necessary;
- 提供持续的指导、支持和培训;
- consider a variety of working structures including part-time, job shares or job swaps; and
- consider home and remote working, where appropriate.
Matthew Farrington from Slaughter and May commented on his time as a secondee at the ICO, saying:
“The work is interesting and the people have been 欢迎和参与. 私营机构能学到的就越多 from the public sector, and vice versa, the better."
Individuals on secondments with the ICO retain their parent 机构的条款和条件. 然而,我们确实要求所有这些 secondees sign a confidentiality agreement, a code of conduct and 宣布任何政治派别.
We’d typically expect a secondment to last between six and 24 months.
Depending on the type of secondment, the funding may be either:
- 由我们全额报销;
- partially reimbursed by us with the balance being funded by the parent organisation; or
- 由母公司全额资助.
To express an interest in secondments at the ICO, please email a copy of your CV to and briefly outline the area that you are interested in.
Please discuss this with your employer first to ensure they are supportive of your secondment application.
We’ll review your application and, if we feel there may be an
appropriate 机会 for you to join us, we will get in touch. 我们可能
比如,邀请你参加面试. 如果没有机会
available straight away then, if you are happy for us to, we’ll keep
your details on file for up to six months and contact you if suitable
We also welcome contact from organisations looking to second staff to the ICO.
For information about what we do with personal data see our 隐私通知.